NIST CSF 2.0 User Guide
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SecureMetrics' NIST CSF 2.0 PowerBI Template allows security teams or consultants to report on the maturity of an organization against the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) version 2.0.
Note: there are two license versions for the NIST CSF 2.0 Template: Internal & Consultant. There is no difference between the template, only the licensing terms.
When you purchase the NIST CSF 2.0 PowerBI Template, you will receive a download with the following items:
PowerBI template file (.pbit)
Excel assessment input template (.xlsx)
Sample input Excel files (.xlsx)
The PowerBI template will use the Excel assessment input files to load assessment data into the dashboards. The PowerBI template will accept multiple assessment input files stored in a folder on the filesystem for continuous monitoring over time.
You'll need to store all the assessment input files (.xlsx) that you wish to import into the dashboard in a single folder on the file system.
Create a new folder on your computer in a convenient place such as "Documents"
Note the full filepath of the folder, as you'll be prompted for this when we load the PowerBI dashboard
Each assessment date will utilize it's own excel input file. All input files stored in the folder you created will be ingested into the PowerBI dashboard. If you are just getting started, you may only have one assessment completed. However, over time you'll be able to monitor for changes over time as you add additional assessment files.
Note: three sample assessment input files are included. You can move these to your assessment input folder if you would like to test functionality without creating assessment input files
Open the Excel assessment input file (.xlsx)
Fill out the required columns
Save the file into the assessment input folder
Note: Three parameters are prompted for when opening the template. The first parameter is the full filepath of the data import folder. The remaining parameters, "Ignore" and "Also Ignore" should not be changed.
Open the PowerBI template file (.pbit)
You will be prompted to input the full filepath of the folder from step 1
Dashboards & datamodel will be populated with data
Save the file as a .pbix file to save the report
That's it!
You can now either use the dashboard locally in PowerBI Desktop, or publish to the PowerBI Service to host in the cloud.